Post by WillowTheWhisp on Aug 25, 2009 21:56:40 GMT
Looks quite horrendous Peter. Fire can be a terrifying thing can't it?
Brilliant photos Trev.
Post by accykeef on Aug 26, 2009 7:56:20 GMT
5 miles is a bit too close for comfort Trev, I hope the fires keep well away from you. It all looks so idylic when the sun is shining but there is hidden danger there. Are most of the houses made of concete? I know many of the houses in fire risk areas of the USA are made of wood - not a very bright idea me thinks.
I am glad to see your Arts and Crafts buisiness, making dragon flies from old potato peelings is still going well. Are they available to purchase on the internet?
Part of the Furniture
Posts: 2,768
Post by trevnhil on Aug 26, 2009 15:04:09 GMT
Most of the buildings here are made of concrete. The ground is leveled, and a concrete slab put down. Concrete pillars are cast in shuttering, and then a concrete slab for the roof. The walls are then built of hollow bricks with the doorways and windows left out. Recently new regulations have come in and I think you now have to incorporate some insulation. If we ever get to building our bungalow we will be having a timber frame wall inside and a block / brick wall outside, with insulation in the cavity and the roof space. As to the craft business.... It is the bamboo canes that we make from the potato skins. I just need to find a use for the banana skins now. We do use the Internet to sell our crafts, but due to possible damage in the post we send our items in a DIY kit. Please supply your address (pm for secrecy) and we will be pleased to send our special potato peelings, and the relevant instruction as to what you can do with them. Regards. Trev..
Post by accykeef on Aug 26, 2009 15:17:50 GMT
I though bamboo was made from Giant Pandas. We have a use for potato skins but it a secret - let's just say, we don't pay vat on what comes out of our vat - nudge nudge, wink wink, hic!
Part of the Furniture
Posts: 2,768
Post by trevnhil on Aug 26, 2009 16:00:15 GMT
Well if it's a secret, you had better just do it at night by the light of the moon. Cheers Trev..
Part of the Furniture
Posts: 2,768
Post by trevnhil on Aug 31, 2009 15:05:29 GMT
Hi all, on Your August Bank holiday. I believe that the weather there is usual B H weather. Not too good. Never mind maybe you will have an 'Indian Summer' in September. Well not a lot to tell that is fresh news from Cyprus, but I will share this with you just the same. Earlier this week we had 3 letters delivered here which we each had to sign for. I could copy them on here but there would not be a lot of point as they were all in Greek We knew that they were from the land office, and there was a future date mentioned of 29th September at 09-00. We pretty well knew that this was to be an expected meeting about the Boundary of our plot of land. A friendly Neighbour translated it word for word for us (god bless him) so that we could read it. My self, my wife, and my father in law, were requested to attend a meeting with the neighbouring land owner and the Land office representatives. This meeting is to be at the plot of land and will go ahead whether we attend or not........ we will be there The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the Boundary with the next plot as the position that our surveyor has pinpointed is almost 3mts into the next field. We can only see what happens or is said on the day. Below is a Google Earth (blurred) view of our plot, with a picture of our planned bungalow superimposed. The Disputed boundary it at the top of the picture. As you will see the faint Boundary line is into the next field, or at least well past the hedge. We will just have to see if the neighbour protests, and by how much. I will keep you informed but it is over 4 weeks away. Regards. Trev..
Part of the Furniture
Posts: 2,768
Post by trevnhil on Aug 31, 2009 15:46:50 GMT
I forgot. I have a bit more news as well. The track to our plot is a single track, and that is exactly what it is... a track...about half a mile from the main (ha ha) tarmac road. However, good news for us. Although it is still a single track road, more than 50% has been concreted. This will make it less messy in the rain, and less dusty in the fine weather that we have.... So although we have no idea why this has been done we will not look a gift horse in the mouth. The part concreted track leads to the following picture, which is taken from the plot above or higher (2 mts) than ours. From which we can see the following view. Best wishes. Trev..
Post by accykeef on Aug 31, 2009 15:58:49 GMT
Good luck with that Trev - We may get a Bayweb BBQ in your back garden yet. Is that a line of trees running diagonally across or a stream?
I have asked some questions and the concrete road will be the emergency entrance to the new airport. They didn't tell you - oops sorry for the bad news.
Seriously, is all that land going to be developed - hence the access road?
Part of the Furniture
Posts: 2,768
Post by trevnhil on Aug 31, 2009 16:09:45 GMT
Hi Keith. Thanks for your good wishes. I would only be too glad to have a Bay Web BBQ for you all. The dark lines are not water courses but hedges, splitting the various areas (terraces) of land. As you can see our plot has two terraces or levels. The bottom right picture below is looking along the hedge with our top piece of land (bungalow) on the left. And the lower piece of land on the right. Cheers. Trev..
Post by accykeef on Aug 31, 2009 16:13:39 GMT
Mrs Keef wants to know where the bungalow is going now the grapevines are established.
Part of the Furniture
Posts: 2,768
Post by trevnhil on Aug 31, 2009 16:50:08 GMT
The vines at least on the top plot will be bulldozed out of existence. At this stage the top area (top left of the 4pics) will be levelled. Although there is no fall left to right, the plot is lower in the far distance. The grape vines on the bottom plot (area) will be left. However, the pictures were taken in the spring and when an area is not cultivated and the vines watered they tend to die off. This is what has happened to some of our vines, And then of course the grasses and weeds grow. We have got some of our grapes in the fridge, and there are still some on the vines. Although it is a very bad video, here is the link to one that I took over a year ago, showing the top area where the Bungalow will be... www.youtube.com/watch?v=KL6hCMFOFbEAnd I forgot to answer your question... "Seriously, is all that land going to be developed - hence the access road? " I don't think so as there are (legal) access problem, which we hope we have mastered. Plus not everyone want to live half a mile from civilisation. ;D Regards. Trev..
Part of the Furniture
Posts: 2,768
Post by trevnhil on Sept 8, 2009 10:36:06 GMT
Well last Friday the 4th of September our (lady) Architect advised that our plan had been sent to the Land office to see what they had to say about the road (track) access. She said it would be good if we could go to the Land office and see what was happening to our file. We went...... and the file could not be found. So we retreated and decided to make a fresh assault on the Monday. So. Yesterday we went to the PLANNING office and asked WHO they had sent the plans to at the LAND office. "George" we were told. So off we go again to the LAND office to speak to George. He is a very nice man but he still cannot find out what is happening. He suggested that we return in a couple of days and he will try to sort things out for us. So we will be back there tomorrow..... Now more boring news for you, but it is part of 'life in Cyprus' A few post back I put a couple of pictures on of the newly concreted road (track). Well things have changed yet again. Last Friday I went to walk from the main road to our plot, and here is what I found.... It appears that the builder that has built a property for himself ear the main road is obliged to put in roads, kerbs and pavement on his site. So now the new road runs through his small (7 dwellings) building site. Now for those who have managed to stay awake until now......... here is the one to cap it all. Can you stay awake to see this (about two minutes ) video. it is taken from inside my car from near our plot, along the new concrete track and up through the building site. Go on give it a try. Click on the link, and then on the picture. picasaweb.google.co.uk/trevnhil/NewRoadToPolemiPlot# ;D Trev..
Post by WillowTheWhisp on Sept 8, 2009 19:13:06 GMT
So is this going to serve as a road to your new house when it gets built? Who will be responsible for maintenance of the road?
Part of the Furniture
Posts: 2,768
Post by trevnhil on Sept 8, 2009 19:26:31 GMT
Perhaps I should have taken the video the other way around. However the end of the video show a short strip of tarmac that leads to the Main Road. A bit like a 'B' road in the UK Before that end bit on the video it shows a rough uphill road/track that goes through a building site where 7 dwellings are planned. The first one has been built and is being lived in by the Builder who owns the site. I asked him about the road through the site and he told me that he is responsible for making it and the pavements. The first half of the video show a single track road that has been concreted by the village Authorities. The builder told me that the village have to upkeep all of the roads that I have mentioned as they are all classed as 'Public'
The snag is that for a few hundred yards.... from our plot to the start of the Video is NOT public so I suppose it is up to the plot owners to see that the road is 'passable' This is not a worry to us because it is only a track with gravel to earth surface and if it deteriorated then the cost for a digger for a few hours to scrape it clean would not be a huge amount.
Cheers. Trev..
Part of the Furniture
Posts: 2,768
Post by trevnhil on Sept 8, 2009 19:58:43 GMT
As you know I love a picture. I have tried to paint an overview of the area of our plot of land to the main road. The builders new property is not on the Google Earth because it is new. Hopefully, this MAY help. Trev..